Kindergarten: day one. Mrs. O’Krepke tells you that you have to share, but she doesn’t explain what’s in it for you.
Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered (and don’t blame good old Mrs. O’Kreepy. YOU try wrangling fifteen insane five-year-olds. She was right: like frogs in a wheelbarrow!).
So, why share?
You want something you can’t afford. Now you can.
That picture torn from a magazine of that amazing sports car is still stuck to the cork board in your office, but it’s starting to fade from too much sun over the years. Is that how you let it end, when the paper around the last staple weakens and the picture falls? No! Get together with some friends, or make some new friends in like-minded people, to create a sharing club, so each of you can experience what it’s like to drive and own one of those machines. You don’t need the burden of all the cost, the insurance, the upkeep. A sharing club is designed to ease that burden by spreading it out, while helping with the logistics such as rules and scheduling. Think of spending the next ten years driving a Ferrari one week of every month. Now compare that to your last ten years. Not bad!
You want an experience you can’t justify. Now you can.
Okay, how are you going to explain to your spouse the usefulness of the dune buggy, or the practicality of that hopped up, four-wheel-drive camoed golf cart you intend to speed around the woods in? Hmm? Gas mileage? Pay load? Highway safety? Environmental friendliness? Don’t try it. That path will lead you straight back to the mini van. Instead go with one of the most basic and first-taught manners of civilized society: share the dang thing! The investment is considerably smaller, ergo, less of an issue, and your spouse won’t have to say things like “yeah, he went out and blew our vacation money on one of those silly carts.” Instead your spouse can say, “oh, he’s a member of a group that owns and manages a vehicle.”
You need something once in a while but don’t like to see it sit idle the rest of the time. Organized sharing is the solution.
We could all use a pickup truck now and then. You’re looking back and forth from that cabinet at the garage sale to your Civic hatchback, thinking now is one of those times. You probably have a friend who always has straw embedded in the back seat of her Saturn because she has to take hay home to her garden or over to the stables. A few more friends like that, and suddenly that pickup truck is pretty easy to manage. Log in to Sharezy, check the calendar, sign out the truck, and now you’re hauling! (while still driving that gas-sipper the rest of the time)
You like big toys but prefer a smaller carbon footprint. Start a sharing club on Sharezy.
Say you manage to sweat the funds for that thirty-four foot motor yacht you’ve been wanting. You hire that big semi to haul it back and forth from winter storage to the marina. You listen to the pumps wine as they fill the tanks with a few hundred gallons of fuel. You walk around with buckets of cleaner polishing up your many tons of fiberglass, wood, and metal. Then work gets busy, the kids sports schedules don’t cooperate, and the weather is perfect for cruising just when you’re supposed to go to your college roommate’s daughter’s wedding in Denver. What? You only made it onto the water twice before putting it to bed for the winter? What a waste of resources! To top it off, you find out that your college roommate has a pile of fiberglass sitting idle somewhere too! Put your heads together man! Share one and coordinate those resources. Save the planet a few tons of embedded energy and materials, and get that boat out on the water more, even together with your sharing club partners. Wait a minute! You could have convinced them to hold the wedding reception on that boat!
…And sometimes you have no choice; Grampa left the cottage to you AND your cousins. Time to get organized.
Not many family cabins or cottages make it past the third generation. It’s tricky to keep it organized and civilized. Disagreements lift their heads, personalities enter the picture, and suddenly the rules and the schedule are tossed out through the torn screen on the window. People are thinking, “Oh yeah? Cooperate THIS!”
But remember the magic. Remember the smell of the trees when you rolled down the car window and knew you were almost there, the waft of beach sand after it cooked in the sun all day.
It’s worth it. You can do it. You and your cousins found that sunken, rotted out row boat, and dragged it back from the dead, patched it up, gave it a paint job. Dang, it ended up looking good. You oared it around the lake for years. If you can pull that off, you can come together to keep the cottage. Keep it simple and easy; start that sharezy club right now.
Oh, and there’s a massive side benny to this whole concept: social contact and social value.
Watch everyone walking past each other, bending their necks to a smartphone, and it’s no wonder that people report feeling more isolated and lonely these days. You need actual contact to be healthy. You need to get together, talk, slap some backs, and make a plan. And that’s not just me talking; the National Academy of Sciences thinks so too. Social contact has a direct affect on your lifespan.
Here’s our plan for your enhanced longevity: get together with some family and friends, or post on the board and make some new friends, and share something significant. Pretty soon you’re not just sharing a pickup truck or a horse or a canoe, you’re sharing plans, responsibility, and most importantly, good times. Pretty soon, you’re taking friends out on a boat that you wouldn’t have access to without the sharing club. You’ve become the source of social interactions and fun things to do!
You think we’re kidding about this (we are not kidding, you actually live longer).
Don’t wait for that kind of goodness!
Your membership is yours for FREE forEVER. Each club pays a modest annual fee after the first half year, regardless of how many members it has, but you never pay anything for your membership account. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain, so take 30 seconds to start your account right now!